"You must live the path to understand it." ~don Oscar Miró-Quesada

"You must live the path to understand it." ~don Oscar Miró-Quesada

The last five years have impacted humanity in ways never before experienced---emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. We've been given the opportunity to face ourselves--the traumas, painful memories, deepest fears--to do the difficult inner work in order to begin healing at a soul level never before possible. In the shamanic tradition, we know that we are Children of the Sun, bound to the laws of our beloved Mama Pacha (Mother Earth). We're beings of pure love, of Divine Light, known as an illuminated human, "Inkari". Purity is the seed of integrity and truth. It's Divinely sacred. When you choose to begin the difficult task of facing yourself, you not only begin healing yourself, you begin healing your entire lineage, seven generations back and seven generations forward. Dawn Eagle Woman says it best: "You are the living hope of ALL your ancestors." If you wish support and assistance in moving forward, go to "contact me" page.

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THE NEW HEALING - Consciousness-based Energy Medicine

THE NEW HEALING - Consciousness-based Energy Medicine

The physical body manifests dis-ease when deeper issues aren't resolved. These issues fall into many categories, such as trauma, abuse, PTSD, addictions, unresolved emotions/memories, etc. Western medicine can assist with many physical symptoms, but it lacks the connection to the consciousness of the human body. All organs, endocrines, body parts and general body tissues have their own individual consciousness. In the esoteric, this connection is restored while bringing energy and consciousness into focus. The body is allowed to re-member, re-connect, re-balance and re-align its systems. Adding this consciousness-based perspective to western medicine allows for less stress and less dis-ease. For a session, go to "Contact Me" page. For more information on removal of negative entities, spirit attachments, property clearings, etc., please click the "Learn More" button.

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HEALING FOR ANIMALS - Energy and Consciousness in Focus

HEALING FOR ANIMALS - Energy and Consciousness in Focus

All animals are sentient beings. The animal and human worlds are setting a new reality. The more peaceful we are with-in and the more aligned we are with nature, the more aligned we are with all sentient beings. Animals sense and know according to the stillness of the human. When we live from our heart and sit in this stillness, then the pure love of us can radiate into the golden silence that the animal world lives in. The animal kingdom's wisdom extends far beyond our comprehension. They're pulling us into a new higher frequency direction. As we connect more deeply with Source, we connect just as deeply with them. For a sitting with your animal(s), go to "Contact Me" page.

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"LLANKAY, MUNAY, YACHAY" - Walking the Shamanic Path

"LLANKAY, MUNAY, YACHAY" - Walking the Shamanic Path

In the Quechua language, this translates to "Right action, based in love, guided by innate wisdom." We're leaving behind the world entrenched in the mind and moving to the world with-in the heart, the new earth of love. These are the times of the rising of the Sacred Divine Feminine in all of us, whether you are man or woman. The most important part of the Sacred Feminine is freedom. The Sacred Feminine is delicate, often vulnerable, but not weak. This is the moment you begin your transformation into 'unaltered' consciousness, your liberation from the pain, trauma and addictions of the past, and welcome back the fragmented pieces of your soul, and transcend what you may perceive as limitations. If you wish support or assistance, go to "contact me" page.

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REIKI - The Unseen Life Force Energy

REIKI - The Unseen Life Force Energy

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. Reiki can be offered in-person or at a distance. For a Reiki healing, go to "contact me" page.

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The drum is a sacred healing tool with a unique spirit. Drumming is a way to align with Divine, as has been experienced since ancient times, through native spiritual and shamanic healing practices. The drum rhythm reminds the body of its optimal vibration and returns us to our heart center, and to the heartbeat of Pachamama.

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