"No more fear, only love." ~mis Guías
Words my guides spoke to me four years ago in a meditation.
The last five years have impacted humanity in ways never before experienced---emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. We've been given the opportunity to face ourselves--the traumas, painful memories, deepest fears--to do the difficult inner work in order to begin healing at a soul level never before possible. In the shamanic tradition, we know that we are Children of the Sun, bound to the laws of our beloved Mama Pacha (Mother Earth). We're beings of pure love, of Divine Light, known as an illuminated human, "Inkari". Purity is the seed of integrity and truth. It's Divinely sacred. When you choose to begin the difficult task of facing yourself, you not only begin healing yourself, you begin healing your entire lineage, seven generations back and seven generations forward. Dawn Eagle Woman says it best: "You are the living hope of ALL your ancestors." If you wish support and assistance in moving forward, go to "contact me" page.
Learn MoreThe physical body manifests dis-ease when deeper issues aren't resolved. These issues fall into many categories, such as trauma, abuse, PTSD, addictions, unresolved emotions/memories, etc. Western medicine can assist with many physical symptoms, but it lacks the connection to the consciousness of the human body. All organs, endocrines, body parts and general body tissues have their own individual consciousness. In the esoteric, this connection is restored while bringing energy and consciousness into focus. The body is allowed to re-member, re-connect, re-balance and re-align its systems. Adding this consciousness-based perspective to western medicine allows for less stress and less dis-ease. For a session, go to "Contact Me" page. For more information on removal of negative entities, spirit attachments, property clearings, etc., please click the "Learn More" button.
Learn MoreAll animals are sentient beings. The animal and human worlds are setting a new reality. The more peaceful we are with-in and the more aligned we are with nature, the more aligned we are with all sentient beings. Animals sense and know according to the stillness of the human. When we live from our heart and sit in this stillness, then the pure love of us can radiate into the golden silence that the animal world lives in. The animal kingdom's wisdom extends far beyond our comprehension. They're pulling us into a new higher frequency direction. As we connect more deeply with Source, we connect just as deeply with them. For a sitting with your animal(s), go to "Contact Me" page.
Learn MoreIn the Quechua language, this translates to "Right action, based in love, guided by innate wisdom." We're leaving behind the world entrenched in the mind and moving to the world with-in the heart, the new earth of love. These are the times of the rising of the Sacred Divine Feminine in all of us, whether you are man or woman. The most important part of the Sacred Feminine is freedom. The Sacred Feminine is delicate, often vulnerable, but not weak. This is the moment you begin your transformation into 'unaltered' consciousness, your liberation from the pain, trauma and addictions of the past, and welcome back the fragmented pieces of your soul, and transcend what you may perceive as limitations. If you wish support or assistance, go to "contact me" page.
Learn MoreReiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. Reiki can be offered in-person or at a distance. For a Reiki healing, go to "contact me" page.
Learn MoreThe drum is a sacred healing tool with a unique spirit. Drumming is a way to align with Divine, as has been experienced since ancient times, through native spiritual and shamanic healing practices. The drum rhythm reminds the body of its optimal vibration and returns us to our heart center, and to the heartbeat of Pachamama.
Learn More¡Allinpunchaw y Munay preciosa gente! Welcome to a new week! Please join us to channel our collective healing light to our beloved Mama Pacha and all sentient beings. This is a quiet, yet powerful, time to energetically connect with all brothers and sisters worldwide. No experience is needed or required. No need to show your face or name. Just show up. Your presence is welcomed. WHEN: Tonight (and every Wednesday night) -- doors open at 6:15 pm PT. Circle begins: 6:30 pm PT. WHERE: Via Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5588450619... If by any chance you are prompted for a meeting ID or passcode here they are: Meeting ID: 558 845 0619 Passcode: 654871
Please join me for a virtual Summer Solstice Despacho Ceremony, via Zoom. The Summer Solstice is a sacred time, commemorated by our ancestors through fire and ceremony, honoring the sun as it peaks high in the sky and stretches into the longest day of the year. It's often seen as a time of new beginnings. We say goodbye to a long period of self-reflection and welcome in the fiery energy of Tayta Inti to propel us forward. This is a powerful time to manifest spiritual transformations. When we hold these ceremonies and perform these rituals, we work for Nature, our beloved Pachamama. When we connect with her frequency, everything with-in us aligns with her. Everything flows peacefully. We align with pure love itself.
This Equinox I will be in Palenque, Mexico holding ceremony and ritual with a beautiful group of starseeds in honor of the Equinox and our Ancient Ones. My friend, Greg Iadarola, will hold our annual Spring Equinox Despacho Ceremony, via zoom, this Wednesday, 3/22, beginning at 6:30PM PDT. We honor the approaching light as we hold gratitude for the work we have done in the dark of winter. When we hold these ceremonies and perform these rituals, we work for Nature, our beloved Pachamama. When we connect with her frequency, everything with-in us aligns in peacefulness with her. Everything flows peacefully. Negativity cannot touch us because we are now aligned to a frequency that is pure love. This Ceremony is free and open to all, no matter their experience. We will open the "doors" at 6 PM PDT, start at 6:30 PM PDT and continue until complete.
I am honored to announce that we will be holding Council Process, passing the talking stick, this Wednesday, Jan. 17, 2024, beginning at 6:30pm PT via zoom. We all can use a safe space in which to speak our hearts without fear of judgement or interruption. Putting words to our hopes, dreams and fears can bring deep healing. In this way they become meaningful prayers. Everyone is welcome. Doors open for this event at 6pm PT, and Council Process begins at 6:30, ending at 7:30.
Please join me for a Solstice Despacho Ceremony, via zoom, this Wednesday, 12/21, beginning at 6:30pm PT. We honor the approaching light as we hold gratitude for the work we have done in the dark of winter. When we hold these ceremonies and perform these rituals, we work for Nature, our beloved Pachamama. When we connect with her frequency, everything with-in us aligns in peacefulness with her. Everything flows peacefully. Negativity cannot touch us because we are now aligned to a frequency that is pure love. A Despacho is a prayer offering, fashioned as a mandala. They are then offered to the Earth, to moving Water, or to Fire. This Ceremony is free and open to all, no matter their experience. We will open the "doors" at 6pm, start at 6:30pm PT and continue until complete. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5588450619?pwd=QXRLT0UzUjB1OGFmRTBCVWRoQVlRQT09 Room ID: 558 845 0619 Password: 654871
Equinox means "equal(equi) nights (nox)". Day and night are of equal length. Light and dark are in balance. Celebrating the equinox provides us with a rhythmic opportunity to celebrate living in our physical world. It's a moment to experience the expansive, energetic reality behind the events that make up our lives. Creating rituals teaches you how to work with creative energy, and helps you experience how elemental energy becomes matter. Ritual reveals how ideas expressed can transform and become new realities, and how they can birth new ways of being in the world. This Ceremony is free and open to all, no matter their experience. We will open the "doors" at 6 PM PDT, start at 6:30 PM PDT and continue until complete. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5588450619 Room ID: 558 845 0619 Password: 654871
Join me on February 21st, 2023, at 3:07 am PT (11:07 GMT) for a silent meditation, as we gather in every part of the world to create a celebration like no other, as we enter the new highly positive field. Our Zoom room (link in "Read More") will be open for anyone to sit/dream/meditate/dance/sleep with a group of like-minded souls in this magical time. On this day we declare who we are: "I enter into a new positive field. I declare who I am. I am a light being in human form. I put in place a field of light of 1000hz around my body. I vibrate, pushing back all limiting beliefs and fear. I am sovereign in this space of light. I re-member light. I re-member purpose. I am safe and protected. I am joyful and grateful for this moment. I am on the precipice of creating the newest life experience. I am one of the New Earth participants. Together we will dream the new world into being."
Solstice it is about balance, equal night and day, seeing both sides, the Dark and the Light, walking the Middle Way, without judgment, being compassionate, spreading Peace. Join me as we celebrate the Solstice, the releasing of old patterns/behaviors and the embracing of new powerful beginnings. There is no need to know anything about shamanic practices. All you need is an open heart full of love and compassion for our Pachamama and all sentient beings. Click on the button for passcode and meeting ID.
11/11 Scorpio Gates Portal...and after... So today we stand at the portal entrance. This transit through the Scorpio Gate under the light of Antares is an important moment in our Galactic Evolution, and the energies are intensifying accordingly. But this is only the first step in a Trajectory, or "Arc of Transformation", that continues on into the December Solstice on the 21st of December. For more info, click on the button below.
IMPORTANT UPDATE for our HARVEST FULL MOON DESPACHO CEREMONY! Due to heavy rain and high winds and a family emergency, today's Despacho ceremony in Alameda is cancelled. We are sorry for the short notice, but as they say....when it rains, it pours. I will be doing a Despacho Ceremony in private and will offer it to Mama Quocha at a later date. Blessings y Munay!
You and yours are invited to join Greg Iadarola and me as we honor and celebrate the New Moon with a Despacho Ceremony. Coming out of the Fall Equinox, October's New Moon is appropriately in Libra, as we sit in balance. We are being offered a new beginning. We can re-set and re-align with the new incoming energies of unconditional love, which will allow us to step into our integrity, our honesty, our Highest Most Illuminated Self. It is a time of taking action, using our voices, our gifts, yet doing it all with kindness and compassion. Avoid partaking in anyone's drama. See it for what it is... his/her drama, not yours. This New Moon provides us with the ability to move forward with laser sharp focus, "one step at a time." (Isn't there a song about this?) :-) Find joy and humor with-in and with-out, and give yourself time to step into stillness and balance. Bring your prayers and intentions for this sacred time, offerings for the Despacho, music makers and songs. Also, anything you will need to be comfy at the park, and perhaps some snacks to share! We look forward to sitting with you all. To RSVP or ask any questions you might have please email Greg: Karma_Kunzang@outlook.com We are asking for a small exchange of Ayni, $10-$20, although no one will be turned away for lack of funds.
Please join Greg Iadarola and me as we sit in the balance between Father Sun and Mother Moon, and offer two Fall Equinox Despacho Ceremonies, sitting in gratitude for the beautiful Summer behind us and, with intention, calling in the bounty of the Fall season to come. The creation of a Despacho is a wonderful way to give Ayni, or sacred reciprocity, to all of our helping Spirits, seen and unseen. We give back with plant, mineral, animal, human made and sweet offerings that we have spoken our gratitude and prayers into. Then we create a beautiful mandala with our offerings and complete the offering by applying beautiful, colorful flowers! First we will gather at Stinson Beach on September 19th, bringing our Ceremony to Wilka Yaku Mama Qucha, the Sacred Waters of Mother Ocean. This event also finds us sitting upon the cusp of the Full Moon, and we will be performing a special water ceremony during this Ceremony, to honor Mama Yaku, Mother Water, so that she may feel our gratitude, our appreciation, our respect, our love, our prayer onto her. We are in transition to enter into the New Earth, la Nueva Tierra. Tomorrow's earth, a world of love, of Munay, has already been created in spirit. Yet it will not show itself amongst the fear, the panic and the manipulation. Mama Yaku is so important in this process of creating the New Earth. She is powerful because she is the mother of all emotions. She is like the oil in an engine. Without it, the engine cannot work properly. In this same manner, the breath of life is being created through the water. Mama Yaku is flowing and carrying with her the frequencies needed to move us forward into the New Earth. When: Sunday September 19th. Meet at 11:00am. Ceremony starts at Noon, completes around 4:00 Where: Meet in the Stinson Beach parking lot. Look for the flowers on top of my car! What to bring: Everything you'll need for a day at the beach---blanket, hat, water, sunscreen, beach chair and snacks. Any small offerings of plant, mineral, animal, human made and sweets and/or a hand written prayers or poems. These offerings will not be returned. Your voices, musical instruments and Medicine Songs! A Sacred item to collect the beauty and energies of the day, to place upon the Mesa, the Central Altar. This item will return home with you. Most important of all is to bring your intentions and prayers for this powerful time. Cost: Sliding scale of $10-20. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. For information on our Second Despacho on ZOOM, click on the READ MORE button! Hope you can join us! Please contact Greg at karma_kunzang@outlook.com for more info and to RSVP
"The Light has come. You're at peace, and wherever you go, you'll bring peace" ~Neda Boin, musician. You and yours are invited to join me and Greg Iadarola as we honor and celebrate the Green Corn Full Moon (also a seasonal Blue Moon) with a Despacho Ceremony, August 22nd, at Baker Beach at the Presidio from 11am to 3pm. With this Full Moon we will offer blessings and healing to the water. We call the elements to return to balance. We will also be calling in the consciousness and energies of this remarkable time, a time in which we learn to awaken our Sacred Heart with love and compassion and to stand in our Sovereign power. The teaching of the Sacred Heart is, above all, a teaching of empowerment and balance, the central balance point of our Being.
Please join Greg Iadarola and me at a Despacho Ceremony celebrating the beautiful New Moon in Leo on Sunday, August 8, at Muir Beach, CA. This New Moon arrives on the same day alongside the opening of the Lion's Gate portal. This Ceremony will also be acknowledging the opening of the Lion's Gate portal, also known as the infinity gate. We mindfully align ourselves with the flow of creation and connect to the new heart-based behavior that we are modeling for the new Earth. We choose to stand totally in the present moment, to live only in the present moment, so that we can move through the Lion's Gate without being pulled away by old energies of anxiety, depression, unfulfilled desires, anger, etc. It is the time to release all that is preventing us from stepping into our sovereign power and realizing our full potential. We offer to Grandmother Moon all that does not serve us and ask for her assistance in bringing in pure love, compassion and Light! Two questions to ponder: 1) Have you released the past and your attachment to the past? 2) Have you released the future and your expectations of the future? Bring your prayers and intentions for this sacred time, offerings for the Despacho, music makers and songs. Also, anything you will need to be comfy at the site and perhaps some snacks to share afterward! To RSVP or ask any questions you might have please email Greg: Karma_Kunzang@outlook.com
Please join us as we honor the Full Moon and offer Ayni, Sacred Reciprocity, to Pachamama and tend to the land of E. S. Anderson Equestrian Camp, Tilden Regional Park, Berkeley, CA. With this Full Moon we release what is preventing us from stepping into our sovereign power and realizing our full potential. We offer to Grandmother Moon all that does not serve us or our Highest Good. This ceremony will honor the "Day Out of Time" and the Galactic New Year, both of the Mayan Calendar. a mystical place where all and nothing exists simultaneously—the culmination of the 13 Moon Calendar year originated from the Mayan “science of time”. It is Divine synchronicity that our Full Moon Despacho Ceremony is on July 25th—the exact day we enter “the day out of time” portal! Bring your prayers and intentions for this sacred time, offerings for the Despacho, music makers and songs. Also, anything you will need to be comfy at the site and perhaps some snacks to share afterward! To RSVP or ask any questions please email Greg: Karma_Kunzang@outlook.com
TONIGHT! Join Greg Iadarola and me for a Zoom Despacho ceremony celebrating the Summer Solstice and Strawberry Moon. If you have not experienced a Despacho ceremony, we welcome you to step in, to lean into this beautiful space with others that, like you, want to release what is preventing us from stepping into our sovereign power and realizing our full potential. We offer to Grandmother Moon all that does not serve us or our Highest Good, while calling in unaltered consciousness and abundance to support our healing and our journey in this amazing transformative time. Bring your prayers and offer them up silently or openly. We honor and support you. Gather at 6:00 PM PST Ceremony from 6:30 – 8:00 PM PST (US & Canada) Join Zoom Meeting: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/5588450619?pwd=QXRLT0UzUjB1OGFmRTBCVWRoQVlRQT09&fbclid=IwAR1mpIj3HFGSnd3v1_RU1FZCM251qh0VnALTejyHc1HflgyemRj-i3jRH3M#success Zoom Id: 558 845 0619 Password: 654871 Any questions? Email Greg at: Karma_Kunzang@outlook.com
You and yours are invited to join us as we honor and celebrate the Summer Solstice and the Strawberry Full Moon with a Despacho Ceremony on Saturday, June 19, at Robert W. Crown Memorial State Beach, Alameda, California, from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm. During this Summer Solstice Ceremony we will honor Inti Tayta, Father Sun, on the day before the longest day of the year. We offer our gratitude for the Sun's energy, heat and light, for without it, life would not be possible. With this Full Moon we release what is preventing us from stepping into our sovereign power and realizing our full potential. We offer to Grandmother Moon all that does not serve us or our highest good. We will also be calling in unaltered consciousness and abundance to support our lives. Bring your prayers and intentions for this sacred time, offerings for the Despacho, music makers and songs. Also, anything you will need to be comfy on the beach, and perhaps some snacks to share afterward!
Please join us as we honor the New Moon and offer Ayni, sacred reciprocity, to Pachamama and tend to the land of Napa and Skyline Wilderness Park with a Despacho Ceremony. With the New Moon we call in the energies and abundances allowing us to step into our sovereign power and realize our full potential. We ask Mamakilla, Grandmother Moon, to only bestow upon us what is of our highest good. This Despacho will be offered to Pachamama by placing it in the “cave” on the trail to Lake Marie. This Ceremony will also see us celebrating the Divine Feminine and the Era of the Goddess. Bring your prayers and intentions for this sacred time, offerings for the Despacho, music makers and songs. Also, anything you will need to be comfortable, and perhaps some snacks to share afterward! To RSVP or ask any questions you might have, please email Greg: at: Karma_Kunzang@outlook.com
Nothing is coincidence. Everything is synchronicity. Everything is Divinely orchestrated. Email announcing ceremony didn't go out. Family emergency didn't allow Greg to co-host ceremony in Napa. Extreme fire danger warnings posted for weekend. In essence, I changed location of ceremony to Robert Crown Beach in Alameda with the intent of balancing water-fire elements and honoring the re-birth process we are in. I was alone to do this Despacho amongst many families enjoying their day at the beach. The children were so interested. Parents didn't seem to mind them being around me observing and listening to my singing, and I'm tone deaf so you can imagine! :-) As I began folding the paper, it broke open. Not from the sides, but right on the bottom. Whaaat??? I've not ever seen this happen before. Everything began falling out. So I pulled it together as best I could, wrapped it with the base layer of manta (cloth), picked it up like a newborn baby and carried it into the ocean with me against my chest. Surprisingly (or not...), the water was not even cold. It felt warm against my skin. I felt so happy, so blessed, filled with love. I gently allowed the contents in the manta to fall into Mama Qocha, offered prayers of gratitude and unconditional love to her and Mama Pacha, and watched as all the flowers spread and listened to the joyful screams and laughter of the children as they saw the flowers washing up the shore. It was an amazing moment. One I'll never forget and cherish forever. I felt such peace, such bliss, such a balm of healing for my heart which had been broken. To top it off a beautiful sister wrote to me and said: "We are giving birth to a new Earth, a new humanity! Maybe that's why you couldn't wrap the Despacho yesterday and you were alone to give it to the water. Indeed the baby was born!"
We honor the Full Moon, give Ayni (sacred reciprocity) to Pachamama and tend to the land of the Lafayette Reservoir with a Despacho Ceremony. With the Full Moon we release what no longer serves us or our planet. This Sunday, specifically, we will release obstructions keeping us from stepping into our Truth, impediments to our self-care and self-love and anything that holds us back from stepping into our innate power as a sovereign being. When: Sunday April 25, 2021 11am-3pm Where: Lafayette Reservoir, Lafayette, CA What to bring: Prayers crafted for this time. Offerings for the Despacho. Music makers. Your voice to sing. What you'll need to be comfy, seated along the edge of the reservoir. To RSVP or ask any questions you might have please email Greg Iadarola at: Karma_Kunzang@outlook.com - or me at: fauxceo@gmail.com
FREE "Blessing of the Animals" by the Franciscan Friars at 1 PM. I will also be offering information on BodyTalk for Animals. Intro sessions will be available!
Have you ever experienced any of these---personal trauma, family crisis (medical or relationship), severe illness or health problems, family or environmental crisis, self-doubt and inner confusion. If you answered "yes" to any one, you are not alone. This may be the one quiet step towards healing that you've been longing for. Savor a meditative state in which your body relaxes and begins deep healing at a cellular level. Sometimes no words need spoken, just sound, whose unique vibration and frequencies resonate within the body at different levels. Experience a Shamanic "limpia" (cleansing) to further support the body in healing.
There is mysterious alchemy that happens when you're in a safe space with other women. You get to deeply reflect on what's happening in your inner world and see the gems waiting for you inside your heart. There are women out there—closer than you think—who are ready to hold space for you to reacquaint yourself with your powerful vision. On this new moon of Aquarius, women all around the world will be gathering in Sister Circles to explore the theme for this gathering: " Inspired Visionary: I am awake, guided, and living my purpose ."
FREE "Blessing of the Animals" by the Franciscan Friars. Bring your animal to receive the blessing by the Friars at 1 PM. From 12 noon - 3 PM, participate in the Blessing for the Animals Fair.